The $4 million MONA museum and library project by nature demand high quality air conditioning with precise temperature and humidity control without stratification in the extensive gallery areas. To address stratification issues the gallery areas have displacement air distribution via wall plenums constructed as part of the building. Other areas are served by conventional diffuser distribution systems. The air systems are catered for by 24 single zone air water AHUs with humidifiers, and a similar number of FCUs. The air handling plant is supplied with heating water from three gas fired HW boilers, 2 duty 1 standby plus an electric HW boiler backup. Chilled water is supplied by 3 Carrier air cooled screw chillers with a total installed capacity of 1200kW. The majority of the AHUs along with the gas boilers and pumping plant is located within the B2 plant rooms that take most of that floor.
- Work begins on the MONA plant room
- Duct and pipe installation commences in the MONA plant room
- The main mechanical and AC switchboard is installed at MONA
- Air handling units, ductwork, pipework and cable tray installation progresses
- Plant room well advanced, installation nearing completion
- A typical MONA air handling unit completed
- Another complete air handling unit, there are 24 installed, mostly in two ajoining plant room areas.
- A small section of the completed MONA plant room